Vidir Bedlift Shipping Container

· Capacity for up to 24 hospital beds per container
· Saves up to 70% of floor space per unit
· Beds are easily accessible, secure and protected
· Provides a safe and dedicated storage location
· Easy to use – semi-automatic system lowers and raises beds at the push of a button.

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The Vidir Hospital Bedlift is a cost effective hospital bed storage system designed to store hospital beds off of the floor and stack them securely in a vertical arrangement. Being stored in a shipment container not only allows for more compact storage, but also ensures that the hospital beds are not weather damaged. This product makes transporting the beds safer, easier and quicker. This solution especially suits temporary hospitals that are set up quickly with no storage options.


There are a number of factors that can be used to determine savings for the bedlift. The cost of the space, offsite storage costs, hospital bed rental costs, and the cost of paying an employee to transfer beds around a hospital. Rental and offsite storage costs will vary based on demographics but starting numbers for bed rentals are $110 – $138 per day with a minimum term of 5 days.


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